September 28, 2024
Ajman to Umm Al Quwain Bus Timing
To make the trip from Ajman to Umm Al Quwain more comfortable, one must be sure of bus schedules. There is no direct bus to and from these two emirates but one has to use Ras Al Khaimah to transfer.
Buses Operating Interval between Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah:
The first step one has to do will be to book a bus from the Ajman Emirate to Ras Al Khaimah Emirate. Buses operate frequently, starting from 6:00 AM until 10:00 PM. Since buses leave after intervals of two hours, you do not need to fix your time on the road because you can choose any time that you want.
The total distance in the route from Ajman to Ras Al Khaimah it takes 90 minutes, and it will cost 20 AED. The buses take this route according to a standard timetable hence the high usage of the transport by serious commuters.
Ras Al Khaimah to Umm Al Quwain Bus Services Time Table:
After reaching the Al Hamra Bus Station in Ras Al Khaimah you will then board another bus going to Umm Al Quwain. The Ras Al Khaimah to Umm Al Quwain service starts early from 5:30 AM to 9:30 PM.
As in the preceding stage, bus services at the transit stations are available on the timetable, meaning that passengers should not worry about long hours between connecting services. The fare which is charged on this leg is 15AED while the distance covered is about 45 minutes long.
Total Travel Time:
In totality, though the transfer from Ajman to Umm Al Quwain and the sightseeing occupies 2.5 hours. This makes the bus service easy for travelers especially those who intend to travel from one emirate to the other since they can save money that they would have used to hire a taxi or even a personal car.
Why the Conception of Timings is Important:
It is important to know the Ajman To Umm Al Quwain Bus Timing to make traveling more productive. Since the buses will be plying the routes at ample time gap there is enough convenience for the early bird as well as the nooner. Staging your trip regarding these timings will prevent you from spending much time in transit at the transfer point in Ras Al Kamha.
Advantages of Public Transport Transits for Passengers:
The bus service between Ajman and Umm Al Quwain, although indirect, offers several benefits:
- Affordability: Contrary to other modes of transport, it is cheaper per total fare of 35 AED to complete the total journey.
- 2. Comfort: The two buses are well fitted with new and comfortable seats with air conditioning, though the distance is very long.
- Eco-friendly: When you take the bus, the improved environmental standing is more appealing compared to privately owned vehicles which are in line with environmentally friendly transport systems.
Fares and Ticketing:
To recap, the journey from Ajman to Umm Al Quwain involves two separate bus tickets:
– Ajman to Ras Al Khaimah: 20 AED
– Ras Al Khaimah to Umm Al Quwain: 15 AED
The tickets can be bought at the bus stations of each ticket, given the efficiency of its services to the passengers.
Considerations for travelers:
– Early Morning and Late Evening Commutes: Those passengers requiring to travel early morning or late evening should look at the last buses; the last Ajman to Ras Al Khaimah bus departs at 10:00 PM whereas that of Ras Al Khaimah to Umm Al Quwain departs at 9:30 PM.
– Bus Frequency: Because the buses from this station are timed to come every two hours, it is better to arrive at the station earlier to take your bus if you are going to travel during rush time.
The Ajman To Umm Al Quwain Bus Timing serves as a good means of transport on the one-way trip kind of transport. This can therefore work to mean that whether you are a professional or a student you can evade irrelevant forgery depending on the bus timings as you organize for transport.
No matter if one is traveling to work or for a little vacation this bus service provides a viable and cost-effective solution. Do not always depend on the timetable you have read before, it is important to always check for the latest Ajman to Umm Al Quwain bus timing.
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